How we shop has changed considerably since the inception of the Internet and the World Wide Web. We no longer have to shop in-store, as most items we will ever need are now available to order on-line. I love this way of purchasing goods. I no longer have to have the children traipsing alongside me…

Ever since Google launched it has had a strong desire to return the best search results to the people using their service.  To achieve this they constantly make updates to their search algorithms (the code that decides what websites to return in the search results). In April 2012, Google made 2 significant changes named Panda…

Well lesson 4 of our complete beginners guide to getting your first web site published is now available. httpv:// Lesson 4 provides practical advice on how to choose web hosting.  There are lots of packages available, from so many suppliers. This lesson covers: How to work out what type of web hosting you need Why…