13. Complete beginners guide to buying web hosting

I recently had a strange call from a lady telling me that her web hosting was suspended and she did not know what to do to get it back online.  What was strange is that she was not one of my clients.  She had gone to the website of her web hosting company.  However, as there was no listed telephone numbers she had started clicking the links on the web site, which must have included paid advertising displayed via Googles Adsense and she had ended up finding my web site and telephone number.

So not only did I have a surreal telephone conversation, the cost per click on the advert meant I had to pay for it!

This is a good real world reminder why you need to be careful when choosing your web host as many are very difficult to contact!

Anyway, during the conversation it became clear that there is a large number of people who have very, very limited understanding of the internet, web hosting ,etc.  Many web hosting and web design sites assume a level of knowledge and miss out a whole bunch of steps on how to set about choosing and buying domain names and web hosting.

So over the coming weeks I aim to provide a very simple (novice, beginners, dummies) what ever word you would like to use, to explain the steps to get online.

If you have any topic you would like me to cover, please e-mail me and I will see if it can be included.

Here is looking to providing some practical help from sunny Colchester.


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One Response to “13. Complete beginners guide to buying web hosting”

  1. It is good services provided due to web hosting it is very greatful tract it can be used to design and will be connected to another page so that can be make and also for good strategy for business because we can be purchasing selling marketing their manufacture company so very nice and interesting site .