Posts Tagged ‘small business online’

25. More ideas on starting an online business today with affiliate marketing

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

Following on from post 24. Do you want to start an online business today?. In this post I share more ideas how you can start an online business today by choosing suitable products you would like to promote using affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a profit sharing arrangement between a website owner and an online vendor. The owner of the website places advertisements on their site which will assist the sale of the retailers’ products or send prospective customers direct to their website. This is done in exchange for a share of the proceeds. Pay per click, pay per lead and pay per sale are the three main ways in which to earn money through affiliate marketing.

You will require a website before you can become involved with affiliate marketing and the first things you will need to decide upon will be purchasing the services of a webhost provider and a domain. Choosing a quality web hosting supplier involves examining the variety of features such as technical support, processing power, and included packages like email addresses, domains and one click install WordPress, on offer with their particular costs.

A domain refers to a unique address where your website will be located on the internet. The majority of web hosting companies can present you with a domain name for free as part of your deal, however, they can also be purchased separately and once you have decided on the core words you would like to use for your exclusive website address, the company you have chosen to supply this will be able to advise if your choice is available, recommend alternatives and inform you which extensions like .com are available along with any costs involved.

Building a simple website to entertain your new affiliate marketing products can be a quick, easy process especially if using free software like WordPress. It is straightforward to create and update content on your website without having to understand HTML. WordPress is set up so that you can generate new pages or edit existing ones using a simple rich text editor. With a multitude of themes available, you can design your site to your taste and they afford their customers the ability to extend their websites with various plugins and many other fantastic features without having to employ web developer.

Once your website is live you can look for products to start promoting and earning money from by using websites like Commission Junction and Clickbank. For example; with Clickbank you can create an account in seconds for free and start browsing the products on offer to endorse. When you find a product that is of interest, you can view the pitch page of the vendor which will give you an overview of the product and show you how much you can receive for referred sales. Adding a link to the item from your website is easy as Clickbank will create a unique URL for you to copy and paste into the relevant part of your website. This URL is solely related to your account with Clickbank; therefore you can be assured of payment for products purchased via referral from your marketing efforts.

24. Do you want to start your business today?

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

Many people dream of building a business so that they can give up their day job and pursue their dreams.  Unfortunately many people do not get past the dreaming stage and in 5 or 10 years they will still be talking about the dream that will happen one day!

The great thing about the internet it has provided everyone who has an internet to start an online business very, very cheaply.  the hard part is deciding what you want to do.

Below are some tips and resources that will help break through this challenge and set you on the way of taking real action to start your business TODAY!

Choose your niche

Every day, a huge amount of new websites are being published.  This means that competition is growing.  A proven way of establishing an online business is choosing a niche.

Think about what you like doing, what you enjoy.  Do some research by entering search phrases about the niche and see how many people have websites advertising products.  Look on the right hand side of the Google search screen.  These are paid adverts and a good indication there is money to be made (why else would someone pay for an advert?).

Buy domain and web hosting

This is a very easy step.  Find a reliable, feature reach service such as Digital Ark, search for the domain name you would like to call your business.  If it is available, register it.  Please take a look at out Learning Zone that will provide guidance on choosing and buying a domain and hosting.

On our service you can have a free domain, web hosting and e-mail for £2.49 a month – no hidden extras.

Build your web site

This is the part where people can struggle.  So there is a couple of answers.

Use a service such as WordPress.  This allows you quickly to build a professional website with no skills.  Our web hosting packages include 1 click install of WordPress to make it even easier.

Use a software package to build your website.  All of our hosting includes a free wysiwyg editor that is easy to use, even for a complete beginner.

Have some design the website for you.  We offer a range of small business website design services.

Online payments

It is now easier than ever to add online payment facilities without having to open an account with a credit card merchant service.  If you are just starting Paypal is a great choice.  There are no set up fees, it is safe, universally recognised, no monthly fees and you only pay for each transactions (currently 3.4% of amount plus 20 pence).

It is very easy to create Paypal Buy Now buttons and then add them to your website.


As you can see.  By following the above steps you could very quickly have a website up and running today ready to take orders.  Why wait?  Seize the moment and start your business today.

I also recommend 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris a great guide to lifestyle design by setting up an online business.


I would like to add that unlike many web design and web hosting companies, I work with my clients, provide support to help them be successful.

14. Is your business missing out on online riches?

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Apologies for those waiting for the novices guide to getting online, choosing / buying, creating a web site.  I will start this next week.

However, last weekend I saw an article in the Mail on Sunday (published 3rd July 2011) that I felt it was very important to write a blog post.  The article was headed “Online Riches ignored” if you wish to look the article up.

The article discussed how many smaller (micro) businesses were missing out on online profits by either not investing, not focusing or not even having an online presence.  Here are some of the statistics from the article that are a wake up call for small business owners in the UK (and beyond):

  • Micros (small) businesses with less than 10 staff only make on average £1,000 sales a year via the internet, equivalent to only 0.6% of their total revenue.
  • However, businesses with 11 – 49 staff, earn on average £175,000 in online sales, or 4.6% of revenue.
  • Bigger firms with 50 – 249 staff earn on average £2.5 million or 13.1% of sales online.


Data courtesy of research by Centre for Economics and Business Research and printed in the Mail on Sunday, 3rd July 2011

This I found very revealing.  What it tells me is that there is a huge opportunity for small (micro) businesses to increase revenue by effective use of an online presence.  Unfortunately many do not realise that it does not matter how small their business is, it is important to invest in an online presence.

I recognise that many small businesses don’t have the time or capital to invest.  Therefore, it is important to choose the right web design partner who can provide a service, at the right prices to deliver the best possible results.

Please take some time to look back at one of my earlier posts, 6. Does it save money when a business owner builds and maintains their own web site? While it may appear to be more cost effective to build and manage your own web site, there is a lot of benefit (time, results, etc) in using a trusted web design partner.

I hope this article has provided food for thought of the terrific opportunity for small businesses to make more money by making the best use of an online presence.

If you would like any information on how Digital Ark can help, please contact me